Source code for algosec.api_clients.business_flow

"""REST API client for AlgoSec **BusinessFlow**."""

import logging

import requests
from requests import status_codes
from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote_plus

from algosec.api_clients.base import RESTAPIClient
from algosec.errors import AlgoSecLoginError, AlgoSecAPIError, EmptyFlowSearch
from algosec.helpers import mount_adapter_on_session, is_ip_or_subnet
from algosec.models import NetworkObjectSearchTypes, NetworkObjectType

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BusinessFlowAPIClient(RESTAPIClient): """*BusinessFlow* RESTful API client. Used by initiating and calling its public methods or by sending custom calls using the ``session`` property. Client implementation is strictly based on AlgoSec's official API guide. To ease the usability for custom API calls, a bunch of base urls were added as properties to this class (see example below). Examples: Using the public methods to send an API call:: from algosec.api_clients.business_flow import BusinessFlowAPIClient client = BusinessFlowAPIClient(ip, username, password) application_revision_id = client.get_application_revision_id_by_name("ApplicationName") Sending a custom API Call:: from algosec.api_clients.business_flow import BusinessFlowAPIClient client = BusinessFlowAPIClient(ip, username, password) response = client.session.get( "{}/name/{}".format(client.applications_base_url, application_name) ) Args: server_ip (str): IP address of the AlgoSec server. user (str): Username used to log in to AlgoSec. password (str): The user's password, similar to the one used to log in to the UI. verify_ssl (bool): Turn on/off the connection's SSL certificate verification. Defaults to True. """ ABF_APPLICATION_DASHBOARD_URL = "/#application/{}/dashboard" ASSOCIATED_APPLICATIONS_UI_QUERY = ( "/#applications/query?q=%7B%22addresses%22%3A%5B%7B%22" "address%22%3A%22{}%22%7D%5D%2C%22devices%22%3A%5B%5D%7D" ) def _initiate_session(self): """Return an authenticated session to the AlgoSec server. Raises: AlgoSecLoginError: If login using the username/password failed. Returns: requests.session.Session: An authenticated session with the server. """ session = requests.session() mount_adapter_on_session(session, self._session_adapter) url = "{}/rest/v1/login".format(self.business_flow_base_url, self.server_ip) logger.debug("logging in to AlgoSec servers: {}".format(url)) session.verify = self.verify_ssl try: response = session.get(url, auth=(self.user, self.password)) except Exception: raise AlgoSecLoginError( "Unable to login into AlgoSec server at {}.".format(url) ) if response.status_code == return session else: raise AlgoSecLoginError( "Unable to login into AlgoSec server at {}. HTTP Code: {}".format( url, response.status_code ) ) @property def business_flow_base_url(self): """str: Return the base url for BusinessFlow.""" return "https://{}/BusinessFlow".format(self.server_ip) @property def api_base_url(self): """str: Return the base url for all API calls.""" return "{}/rest/v1".format(self.business_flow_base_url, self.server_ip) @property def applications_base_url(self): """str: Return the base url for all application related API calls.""" return "{}/applications".format(self.api_base_url) @property def network_objects_base_url(self): """str: Return the base url for all objects related API calls.""" return "{}/network_objects".format(self.api_base_url) @property def network_services_base_url(self): """str: Return the base url for all services related API calls.""" return "{}/network_services".format(self.api_base_url)
[docs] def get_network_service_by_name(self, service_name): """Get a network service object by its name. Args: service_name (str): The name of the service. Raises: :class:`~algosec.errors.AlgoSecAPIError`: If no such network service could be found by name. Returns: dict: NetworkObject as defined on the API Guide. """ response = self.session.get( "{}/service_name/{}".format( self.network_services_base_url, quote_plus(service_name) ) ) self._check_api_response(response) return response.json()
[docs] def create_network_service(self, service_name, content, custom_fields=None): """Create a network service. Args: service_name (str): The service object's service_name content (list[(str,int)]): List of (port, proto) pairs defining the services custom_fields: The custom fields to include for the object. Raises: :class:`~algosec.errors.AlgoSecAPIError`: If network service creation failed. Returns: dict: The created NetworkService object as defined in the API Guide. """ custom_fields = [] if custom_fields is None else custom_fields content = [{"protocol": service[0], "port": service[1]} for service in content] response = "{}/new".format(self.network_services_base_url), json=dict(name=service_name, content=content, custom_fields=custom_fields), ) self._check_api_response(response) return response.json()
[docs] def get_application_by_name(self, app_name): """Return the latest revision of an application by its name. Args: app_name (str): The application name to look for. Raises: :class:`~algosec.errors.AlgoSecAPIError`: If no application matching the given name was found. Returns: dict: Json of the latest application revision. """ response = self.session.get( "{}/name/{}".format(self.applications_base_url, app_name) ) self._check_api_response(response) return response.json()
[docs] def get_application_revision_id_by_name(self, app_name): """Return the latest revision id of an application by its name. Args: app_name (str): The application name to look for. Raises: :class:`~algosec.errors.AlgoSecAPIError`: If no application matching the given name was found. Returns: int: The latest application revision ID. """ return self.get_application_by_name(app_name)["revisionID"]
[docs] def search_network_objects(self, ip_or_subnet, search_type): """Return network objects related to a given IP or subnet. Args: ip_or_subnet (str): The IP address or hostname of the object, or a subnet. (e.g:, search_type (algosec.models.NetworkObjectSearchTypes): The enum for search type to perform. Could be one of : * *INTERSECT* - Search objects which their definition intersect with the given IP or subnet. * *CONTAINED* - Search for objects which the given IP or subnet is contained in. * *CONTAINING* - Search for objects contained within the given IP or subnet. * *EXACT* - Search the object which is defined exactly by (and only by) the given IP or subnet. Raises: :class:`~algosec.errors.AlgoSecAPIError`: If an error occurred during the object search. Returns: list[dict]: List of network objects matching the given obj and search type. Each of the objects is a NetworkObject as defined in the API Guide. """ response = self.session.get( "{}/find".format(self.network_objects_base_url), params=dict(address=ip_or_subnet, type=search_type.value), ) self._check_api_response(response) # TODO: This check is being performed as currently the ABF api return weird response when no objects found # TODO: Should be removed once the API is fixed to return an empty list when no object are found if not isinstance(response.json(), list): logger.warning( "search_network_objects: unsupported api response. Return empty result. (reponse: {})".format( response.json() ) ) return [] return response.json()
[docs] def get_network_object_by_name(self, object_name): """Return a network object by its name. Args: object_name (str): The object name to be searched. Raises: :class:`~algosec.errors.AlgoSecAPIError`: If no network object matching the given name could be found. Returns: dict: The NetworkObject object matching the name lookup. """ response = self.session.get( "{}/name/{}".format(self.network_objects_base_url, object_name) ) self._check_api_response(response) result = response.json() if isinstance(result, dict): return result elif isinstance(result, list) and len(result) == 1: # TODO: Currently there is a bug in the API that returns a list of one object instead of the object itself return result[0] else: raise AlgoSecAPIError( "Unable to get one network object by name. Server response was: {}".format( result ) )
[docs] def create_network_object(self, type, content, name): """Create a new network object. Args: type (algosec.models.NetworkObjectType): The network object type content (str|list): Define the newly created network object. Content depend upon the selected type: - :class:`~algosec.models.NetworkObjectType.HOST`: Content is the IP address of the object. - :class:`~algosec.models.NetworkObjectType.RANGE`: Content is IP range or CIDR. - :class:`~algosec.models.NetworkObjectType.GROUP`: Content is a list of *ExistingNetworkObject* or *NewNetworkObject* objects as defined in the API Guide. - :class:`~algosec.models.NetworkObjectType.ABSTRACT`: Content is None or an empty string. name (str): Name of the new network object Raises: :class:`~algosec.errors.AlgoSecAPIError`: If the network object creation failed. Returns: dict: The newly created ExistingNetworkObject object. """ response = "{}/new".format(self.network_objects_base_url), json=dict(type=type.value, name=name, content=content), ) self._check_api_response(response) return response.json()
[docs] def create_missing_network_objects(self, all_network_objects): """Create network objects if they are not already defined on the server. Args: all_network_objects (collections.Iterable[str]): List of the network objects to create if missing from the server. Raises: :class:`~algosec.errors.AlgoSecAPIError`: If the one of the network objects creation failed. Returns: list[dict]: List of the created network objects. Note: If one of the given objects is not a valid IP address or subnet string, the object won't be created. """ # Calculate which network objects we need to create before creating the flow objects_missing_from_algosec = [] for obj in all_network_objects: if not is_ip_or_subnet(obj): continue search_objects = self.search_network_objects( obj, NetworkObjectSearchTypes.EXACT ) if search_objects: # EXACT object search is by content, not by name. # Therefore, we make check if the exact object name was found # Even if the object exists under a different name, we want to make sure it is # marked for re-creation here. object_names = [ search_object.get("name") for search_object in search_objects ] if obj not in object_names: objects_missing_from_algosec.append(obj) else: # No object was found, mark for creation objects_missing_from_algosec.append(obj) return [ self.create_network_object(NetworkObjectType.HOST, obj, obj) for obj in objects_missing_from_algosec ]
[docs] def get_flow_by_name(self, app_revision_id, flow_name): """Return application flow by its name Args: app_revision_id (int|str): The application revision ID to fetch the flow from. flow_name (str): The name of the flow to fetch. Raises: :class:`~algosec.errors.AlgoSecAPIError`: If fetching the full list of flows for the application revision failed :class:`~algosec.errors.EmptyFlowSearch`: If no flow matching that name could be found Returns: dict: Flow object as defined in the API Guide. """ for flow in self.get_application_flows(app_revision_id): if flow["name"] == flow_name: return flow raise EmptyFlowSearch("Unable to locate flow ID by name: {}".format(flow_name))
[docs] def delete_flow_by_id(self, app_revision_id, flow_id): """Delete an application flow given its id. Args: app_revision_id (int|str): The revision ID of the application to delete the flow from. flow_id (int|str): The ID of the flow to delete. Raises: :class:`~algosec.errors.AlgoSecAPIError`: If the flow deletion failed. Returns: None """ response = self.session.delete( "{}/{}/flows/{}".format( self.applications_base_url, app_revision_id, flow_id ) ) self._check_api_response(response)
[docs] def delete_flow_by_name(self, app_revision_id, flow_name): """Delete an application flow given its name. Args: app_revision_id (int|str): The revision ID of the application to delete the flow from. flow_name (str): The name of the flow to delete. Raises: :class:`~algosec.errors.AlgoSecAPIError`: If the flow deletion failed. :class:`~algosec.errors.EmptyFlowSearch`: If no flow matching that name could be found. Returns: None """ flow_id = self.get_flow_by_name(app_revision_id, flow_name)["flowID"] self.delete_flow_by_id(app_revision_id, flow_id)
[docs] def get_application_flows(self, app_revision_id): """Return all flows of the application revision. Note: Only flows with ``flowType`` of ``APPLICATION_FLOW`` are returned. The rest of the flows (e.g shared flows) are filtered out. Args: app_revision_id (str|int): The ID of the application revision to fetch the flows for Raises: :class:`~algosec.errors.AlgoSecAPIError`: If application flows list could not be fetched. Returns: list[dict]: List of Flow objects as defined in the API Guide. """ response = self.session.get( "{}/{}/flows".format(self.applications_base_url, app_revision_id) ) self._check_api_response(response) return [ flow for flow in response.json() if flow["flowType"] == "APPLICATION_FLOW" ]
[docs] def get_flow_connectivity(self, app_revision_id, flow_id): """Return a flow connectivity object for a flow given its ID. Args: app_revision_id (int|str): The ID of the application revision to lookup the flow in. flow_id (int|str): The ID of the flow to fetch ``FlowConnectivity`` for. Raises: :class:`~algosec.errors.AlgoSecAPIError`: If error occurred while fetching the flow connectivity object. Returns: dict: FlowConnectivity object as defined in the API Guide. """ response = "{}/{}/flows/{}/check_connectivity".format( self.applications_base_url, app_revision_id, flow_id ) ) self._check_api_response(response) return response.json()
[docs] def create_application_flow(self, app_revision_id, requested_flow): """Create an application flow. Creates network services that were defined in the flow but are not currently exist on ABF. Args: app_revision_id (int): The application revision id as defined on ABF to create this flow on requested_flow(algosec.models.RequestedFlow): The flow to be created Raises: :class:`~algosec.errors.AlgoSecAPIError`: If application flow creation failed. Returns: dict: An Application object as defined in the API Guide. """ all_network_objects = set(requested_flow.destinations + requested_flow.sources) self.create_missing_network_objects(all_network_objects) response = "{}/{}/flows/new".format(self.applications_base_url, app_revision_id), # We send a list since the API is looking for a list on NewFlows json=[requested_flow.get_json_flow_definition()], ) self._check_api_response(response) return response.json()[0]
[docs] def apply_application_draft(self, app_revision_id): """Apply an application draft and automatically create a FireFlow change request. Args: app_revision_id (int|str): The revision ID of the application to apply the draft for. Raises: :class:`~algosec.errors.AlgoSecAPIError`: If error occurred while trying to apply the application draft. Returns: requests.models.Response: The API call response. """ response = "{}/{}/apply".format(self.applications_base_url, app_revision_id) ) self._check_api_response(response)
[docs] def get_abf_application_dashboard_url(self, application_revision_id): """ Return URL for the application dashboard. This is the applications's dashboard on AlgoSec BusinessFlow and it can be viewed in the browser. Args: application_revision_id: The application revision ID to return the dashboard URL for. Returns: str: URL for the application dashboard on the AlgoSec BusinessFlow. An Example would look like that: """ return self.business_flow_base_url + self.ABF_APPLICATION_DASHBOARD_URL.format( application_revision_id )
[docs] def get_associated_applications_ui_query(self, queried_ip_address): """ Return URL that can be used in the browser to view the associated applications query. Args: queried_ip_address: The IP address we wish to find associated applications for. Returns: str: URL for ssociated applications query that can be viewed in the browser. """ return ( self.business_flow_base_url + self.ASSOCIATED_APPLICATIONS_UI_QUERY.format(queried_ip_address) )
[docs] @staticmethod def is_application_critical(application_json): """ Return True if the application's json has the critical label set. Args: application_json: The application Json as returned from AlgoSec BusinessFlow APIs. Returns: bool: True if the application is marked as a critical application """ return any( label["name"] == "Critical" for label in application_json.get("labels", []) )
[docs] def get_associated_applications(self, ip_address): """ Return all applications containing network objects related to IP addresses. Args: ip_address (str): The IP address to search associated applications for Raises: :class:`~algosec.errors.AlgoSecAPIError`: If error occurred while trying to fetch associated applications. Returns: list: List of dictionaries each representing an associated application. """ response = self.session.get( "{}/find/applications?address={}".format( self.network_objects_base_url, ip_address ) ) self._check_api_response(response) return response.json()